Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election Coverage

First let me say I was SHOCKED this morning to learn that Claire McCaskill won and that Amendment 2 passed.
Anyway, maybe this is biased of me, but I think KOMU had excellent local coverage of the election. This was convergence journalism at its best. The coverage began weeks ago with the KOMU, Missourian & KBIA Smart Decision election guide. Every issue and individual that was voted on in this election had information on the election guide. On top of that each week KBIA and KOMU had web and podcasts discussing the important issues in the election. So I think they succeeded at their pre-election coverage.
On top of all of that, KOMU pulled through during the election. They had a reporter in each county in the viewing area (I was in Randolph) at the County Clerk's office calling in numbers as soon as they came in. Not only that, but there were vlogs and slideshows that were continually going up all night to give the viewer an interactive look at the election. Then at around 9:20, there was a webcast predicting the winners of the election. I'm not saying it all went over without technical difficulties, but it was a success.
Overall, I think all media outlets failed in informing the public prior to the election. I do not think Missouri voters were prepared to vote on issues such as Amendment 2. Voters went to the poll with information from political ads and minimal personal research. Journalists have to be the ones to bridge the gap and put the information out there. Though KOMU had the information online, there were not enough stories that said "here is every side of this issue." However, no other news outlet was very successful either.


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